Psy White Psy White

5 MORE Things We Want to See in RE:Verse

Psy says a little prayer to our friends at Neobards when it comes to the very quiet development on Resident Evil RE:Verse and offers up 5 MORE things we'd like to see in the final product.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Things We Want to See in RE:Verse

Steve takes a gander at the online multiplayer portion of Resident Evil Village to determine how best to give the experience a longer and more enjoyable life in this video written by the First Aid Spray community.

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Psy White Psy White

What We Want To See: Resident Evil 3 Remake

With the successful Resident Evil 2 reimagining now in our rearview mirror, James looks towards the future with the oncoming Nemesis remake. What needs to be kept, cut or expanded upon? This is What We Want to See: REmake 3.

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