Psy White Psy White

The Wishlist: The Winters Expansion

As we get close to the release of Resident Evil Village's The Winters Expansion, the Pueblo People take a lot at what they WANT, DON'T WANT and PREDICT from the DLC.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Toughest Resident Evil Unlockables

One of the best things about Resident Evil it's replayability and with repeated playthroughs come bigger rewards. Steve takes a look at some of the hardest unlockables the Resi series has to offer.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Times Resident Evil Winked to the Fans

Kelsi looks at just a few times in recent memory that Resident Evil has given the old wink and nod to the fans with jokes and references to some of it's sillier moments.

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Psy White Psy White

Resident Evil: The Next Generation

Psy takes a look at the current state of Resident Evil's cast and asks what the future could - and should - be like in a possible Resident Evil: The Next Generation situation.

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Psy White Psy White

Top 5 Dads in Resident Evil

Steve celebrates the Fathers in the Godfather of Survival Horror franchise with this look at the best Dads in Resident Evil.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Things We Want to See in RE:Verse

Steve takes a gander at the online multiplayer portion of Resident Evil Village to determine how best to give the experience a longer and more enjoyable life in this video written by the First Aid Spray community.

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