Episode 094: Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code: Veronica
We celebrate 25 years of Code: Veronica in the strangest possible way - by playing perhaps the most under-discussed Resident Evil game ever - Survivor 2!
Episode 080 - Profile: Albert Wesker
We dust off the Profile series with a look back at the dark legacy of Resident Evil’s biggest baddie, Albert Wesker. Rombie from The Resident Evil Podcast joins.
Episode 079 - Comic Club: Resident Evil Code: Veronica
We return to Comic Club, we return to Code Veronica, we return to WildStorm… sort of? It’s the official English translation of the Tinhangse manhua adaptation of CV!
Ranking CHRIS REDFIELD’s Outfits - Tier Death Experience
Chris Redfield has a lot of looks and we do our best to pick out the best, the worst and everything in between!
Episode 072 - Virology: T-Virus Part Two
In our continued study of the t-Virus, we break down some of the more notable strains from Veronica to Abyss. Rexy joins us to discuss.
Ranking Resident Evil FINAL BOSS Themes - Tier Death Experience
Which ultimate Resi showdown has the best music? We've taken the mainline titles and rated them!
Ranking CLAIRE REDFIELD’s Outfits - Tier Death Experience
Made in Heaven? Let Me Live? Or just classic red leather? In this episode of Tier Death Experience, we rank every Claire Redfield costume!
Ranking Resident Evil’s ICONIC LOCATIONS - Tier Death Experience
It's a whistle-stop tour of Resi's most memorable hubs and we've got to rank them!
Episode 064 - Book Club: CODE: Veronica
We are back in the Perryverse and back on Rockfort! Joined by Carrier1998, we revisit the story of Code: Veronica in novelisation form!
Ranking Resident Evil’s TYRANTS - Tier Death Experience
We've collected all the combat data and in this episode of Tier Death Experience we are ranking every canon Tyrant from Resident Evil!
Episode 058 - Profile: Chris Redfield
The man who started it all and the rock of Resident Evil, we are joined by Sonny Bauer to look back on every major appearance of Chris Redfield.
Ranking RESIDENT EVIL Save Room Themes - Tier Death Experience
Take a rest with us as we discuss, debate and RANK every save room theme in the Resident Evil series in this musical episode of Tier Death Experience!
Episode 052 - Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
We delve into the past and blast a bunch of monsters in our look back railshooter Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles!
Ranking RESIDENT EVIL’s Best Hunters - Tier Death Experience
Mean, green and keen to remove some heads. Tier Death Experience casts judgement on the many Hunter B.O.W. variants: the best, the worst and everything in-between!
5 Toughest Resident Evil Unlockables
One of the best things about Resident Evil it's replayability and with repeated playthroughs come bigger rewards. Steve takes a look at some of the hardest unlockables the Resi series has to offer.
5 Facts About Steve Burnside
We get comfortable in Rockfort Island as we learn what we can about Claire's partner through the events of Code Veronica: Steve Burnside!
Now That’s What I Call Survival Horror: Resident Evil CODE: Veronica
Psy is joined by Sherwin to run down their favourite moments from the soundtrack of the gothic survival horror classic Resident Evil CODE: Veronica in NOW! That's What I Call Survival Horror.
Guest Appearance: Resident Evil Wars w/Crimson Head Elder
Resident Evil Wars comes to the Crimson-Head Podcast! Our team of survival horror warriors grab their favourite Resident Evil game, and with their best fighting talk, furiously debate which game will rule them all!
5 Best Resident Evil Ports
The beauty of ports is truly in preserving gaming history, but sometimes they can bring excellent new features. Steve runs down a few of the best jumps to different consoles that Resident Evil has made.
Episode 029 - Resident Evil CODE: Veronica
In this episode we take a look at the somewhat divisive middle child of the “classic” Resident Evil series with our 20 year retrospective on Code: Veronica.