Psy White Psy White

Episode 081 - Beta Builds: Resident Evil 5 Beta

Resident Evil 5 could’ve been a very different game. Just how different? The First Aid Spray Team crack open the case of the missing light and darkness mechanic, hallucinogenic enemies and potential co-op partner characters.

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Psy White Psy White

Episode 080 - Profile: Albert Wesker

We dust off the Profile series with a look back at the dark legacy of Resident Evil’s biggest baddie, Albert Wesker. Rombie from The Resident Evil Podcast joins.

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Psy White Psy White

Episode 065 - Virology: T-Virus

In the first of a new subseries, we delve into the viruses and monsters of Resident Evil. First up: AKBlackandRed joins us to talk the t-Virus!

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Psy White Psy White

Episode 049 - Profile: Jill Valentine

Once the wheels of justice start turning… October Keegan joins us in this episode of Profile as we look through the appearances of one of Resident Evil’s original playable characters: Jill Valentine!

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Psy White Psy White

15 Cut Resident Evil Monsters

James digs through the history books of the Biohazard series to look at ideas that designers had that hit the cutting room floor. This is 15 Cut Resident Evil Monsters!

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Psy White Psy White

5 Loose Resident Evil Plot Threads

Psy grabs a hold of a few strands of story left hanging in the Biohazard canon loudly asks "why" in this look at 5 Loose Plot Threads in the Resident Evil series.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Wacky Resident Evil Weapons

We've discussed the iconic, now let's talk about the bizarre. MoistOwlette picks out a handful of the strangest armaments in that big old Resi item chest.

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Psy White Psy White

The Wesker Program

The greatest villain the Resident Evil series has known is undoubtably Albert Wesker. But where did he come from? And what of his sister Alex Wesker? Steve explains the history behind The Wesker Program.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Worst Resident Evil Final Bosses

After taking the views of our community to assemble the list of best bosses in Biohazard, it only made sense to look at the other end of the spectrum...!

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Psy White Psy White

5 Most Wanted Resident Evil Comebacks

New characters drive stories forward and bring us to places we couldn't go before, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't tie things up with characters from the past. Here are 5 of our Most Wanted Resident Evil Comebacks.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Times Resident Evil Wasted Potential

Not everything can get the gold, silver or bronze medals. Often times, ideas stumble on their way to the finish line. Resident Evil has had it's fair share of things that didn't quite connect, were a big old mistake or never made it to fruition at all. Here are just a few of the times Capcom slipped up.

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