Psy White Psy White

Downfall of the RPD

James dives into the lore of what exactly took place over the last few days inside of Raccoon City's most important setpieces.

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Psy White Psy White

5 MORE Times Resident Evil Wasted Potential

Resident Evil as a series love it's Easter Eggs and references and Resident Evil 3 is not about to buck the trend. Here's just a few things you may have overlooked in your journey through Raccoon City.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Overlooked Resident Evil Games

Jordan takes us through a guide of a small selection of Resident Evil games that perhaps don't get the just desserts that they deserve.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Tragic Resident Evil Characters

With the successful Resident Evil 2 reimagining now in our rearview mirror, James looks towards the future with the oncoming Nemesis remake. What needs to be kept, cut or expanded upon? This is What We Want to See: REmake 3…

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Psy White Psy White

Resident Evil Resistance: Most Wanted Masterminds

Following the success of the Project Resistance Closed Beta, join Boy Wonder Adam as he muses upon possible combinations of Masterminds and monsters that the game could present when it arrives in the future.

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