Psy White Psy White

Should You Buy Aliens: Dark Descent?

James does what he does best and enthuses and pulls apart the Alien franchise. The latest RTS game, Aliens: Dark Descent, was a pleasant surprise - is it worth picking up?

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Psy White Psy White

5 MORE Things We Want to See in RE:Verse

Psy says a little prayer to our friends at Neobards when it comes to the very quiet development on Resident Evil RE:Verse and offers up 5 MORE things we'd like to see in the final product.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Inevitable Resident Evil Deaths

Steve looks at a frustrating but inevitable part of any Resident Evil game... these are the times you were dead, and you knew it. It's 5 Inevitable Deaths in Resident Evil!

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Psy White Psy White

Umbrella’s Militia

MoistOwlette peeks into the secret files of Umbrella to understand the history and purposes of the UBCS and USS in this lore breakdown of Umbrella's Militia.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Toughest Resident Evil Unlockables

One of the best things about Resident Evil it's replayability and with repeated playthroughs come bigger rewards. Steve takes a look at some of the hardest unlockables the Resi series has to offer.

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Psy White Psy White

5 Times Resident Evil Winked to the Fans

Kelsi looks at just a few times in recent memory that Resident Evil has given the old wink and nod to the fans with jokes and references to some of it's sillier moments.

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Psy White Psy White

Resident Evil: The Next Generation

Psy takes a look at the current state of Resident Evil's cast and asks what the future could - and should - be like in a possible Resident Evil: The Next Generation situation.

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15 Cut Resident Evil Monsters

James digs through the history books of the Biohazard series to look at ideas that designers had that hit the cutting room floor. This is 15 Cut Resident Evil Monsters!

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5 Facts About Steve Burnside

We get comfortable in Rockfort Island as we learn what we can about Claire's partner through the events of Code Veronica: Steve Burnside!

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The Tyrant Program

Psy breaks down the origin of Umbrella's pride and joy and the many forms that came across it's history in this look at the Tyrant Program.

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Psy White Psy White

Top 5 Dads in Resident Evil

Steve celebrates the Fathers in the Godfather of Survival Horror franchise with this look at the best Dads in Resident Evil.

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